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Reviews and other shameless bragging about FAVOR...

"A fantastic, suspenseful
thriller... nothing short of
awe inspiring."

"A terrifically tense tale...sends you on a riveting rollercoaster ride you will not soon forget!"

"An extremely well-acted
two handed poker game...
exceedingly clever."

-Stuart Robinson,

"Dark and powerful... spot-on performances... Patrick Day does an amazing job."

"A brilliant, dark and intense
psychological thriller...this is
a must see!"

Harkins Scottsdale 101, 7000 E. Mayo Blvd

"A terrifically tense tale...sends you on a riveting rollercoaster ride you will not soon forget!"

"Brilliantly written and directed

by Paul Osborne... alternately

funny and sinister."

"Something new and deliciously

twisted... rooked me between

the eyes."

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